Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industries Aerospace

Torre World Trade Center, Ciudad de Mexico

The Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industries, A.C. (FEMIA®) is a non profit association which integrates the majority of the of the aerospace companies in Mexico. The Federation was established in November 2007, to promote nationally and internationally the development of the Mexican Aerospace Industry. FEMIA® is the aerospace association recognized by the Federal Government given that it was established jointly as a mandate of the federal authorities to gather all national and international corporations within the sector.

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    To support that all our associate corporations interact and relate to each other productively and technically in order to be more competitive. To represent, to promote , and to defend the interest of our associates. To establish the National Strategic Aerospace Plan, led by the Secretary of Economy, including the majority of the aerospace corporations of the country and with the federal, state and local authorities and entities. To advise and act as an specialist before the authorities in all the establishment of new legislation concerning the aerospace industry. To develop joint strategies to group suppliers of raw materials, components, machinery, and services,to benefit our associates. To work with our associates in finding their needs of specific employment, and work together with COMEA, Universities and Technical schools on establishing the appropriate training programs on demand for this sector. We believe that training is among the most important incentives for aerospace companies. To promote the certification of all the associates with the international recognized certifications, such as AS/EN/JISQ 9100, AS/EN/JISQ 9110, AS/EN/JISQ 9120, CAA, FAA, BASA, NADCAP, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:TICKIT, ISO 14001:2004, EASA Part 21, EASA Part 145 and EASA Part 147, as well as others required by the aerospace authorities of the world. To position FEMIA as a leader of opinion in the aerospace industry and to be the expert and specialist entity in this sector in the country. To promote our associates in the local and international events, helping them to find new contacts and clients to increase their markets. To support all the aerospace entities already established in the country to increase their investments, obtaining the best incentives , and to be the �key contact� for aerospace corporations that wish to establish themselves in Mexico, helping them to contact the authorities responsible for such task.
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