At the soul of DEP is a passion for engineering, and this passion has led to the inception of DEP MeshWorks, our proprietary software platform. DEP MeshWorks is a CAE driven platform for rapid concept CAE and CAD model generation, parametrization of CAE models, enabling optimization, advanced meshing and CAD morphing. It has resulted in an accelerated and transformed product development process, which has resulted in several creative solutions to many of our clients problems, thus providing significant value. Rapid time to market of new products across several industry sectors such as automotive, defense, aerospace, biomed, energy, oil & gas, consumer products and heavy equipment is a unique value proposition delivered to clients via DEPs world class engineers and the DEP MeshWorks platform.

  • Products and services

    CAE Services Product development ADAS IT Services
  • Do you have an MBDA certification?

  • Capabilitites

    Meshing Modeling Post Processing Graphing Customized Engineering Process Automation CAE Morphing Concept Modeling CAE Parameterization Design Enablers
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